Monday 22 February 2010

Girls and Me

Let's talk today about girls:D... Well, I was interested about them from when I was little. The truth is i never understood them... In fact they are so different than boys that i once thought that they are from another planet. If you don't think that there is such a huge difference, let me ask you: what means if a girl is called a bitch? well, that is a big insult to her. Now let's think what if a boy is called a lady's men (equivalent of girl's bitch word).. It's one of the biggest compliment he will ever get!!!

Another thing that I'm curious about is: why everyone things that men are stronger than women? Well, maybe only by brute force, and that only in some cases. In fact i think women are much stronger than men. I see so many women in tiny skirts at -15 degrees C that I'm almost certain that i would be long dead if I was them. I mean a woman can easily live in cold weather when a men is praying for 1 more pair of jeans!!!

Another attribute of a woman is that they like misogynists. Well, i understand why they do!!! I can't help imagining me as a women, and a men telling me: you cannot nail up, you cannot do that an that, well, the obvious answer would be: ok, I can't then you do all that. And that is what women do nowadays. 30% of women around the world are doing nothing, but their husbands/boyfriends or whatever are working their asses for some money. Conclusion is: women will always do whatever they want with a man, and that men will always think that it's backwards:)).

Another unusual thing related to women is the fact that they are seen like sluts if they drink beer. Why??? If your going to a date with a girl, that means that you're paying for her,and at least in my country beer is the most cheapest product in bars (even cheaper than water), so you should be praying that she will get beer cause it will be cheaper this way. Or maybe you want her to drink a glass of wine???(equivalent of 4 beers).

Again, i have some other unusual thing to tell you about girls: they are more skillful than any other man. Why do i say that? Because when i see a girl doing her make up i can't understand how she learned that without a proper college!!! She has so many beauty thingies (they even look tasteful, I even ate a lipstick once..I thought it was a candy) and she is using all of them for every millimeter of her face. I don't think a doctor is so skillful as a women, I don't think even a laser is so accurate as a woman:O.

You think I'm out of ideas about women? Noooooo the last part is even more disturbing. I don't know a language that hasn't at least 3 words to refer to a bitch!!! I mean why 3? not 1..1 is enough, but then i had a revelation: they are right, there should be 3 distinguished words in every dictionary for bitches because every word have a different meaning!
a) Whores: everybody knows about their existence, in fact, it's the oldest job on the planet. I kinda respect them, it's the way they are making money... The truth is i never had one or something but against politics this job is really fair.
b) Bitches: well, this kind of girls are sleeping with all the boys and don't really care about the money. I really don't understand them, and I have no respect for them, I really think that they are doing that to prove something...Don't know whaaaaaaat!!!
c) Sluts: these are simple, those kind of girls that are sleeping with everyone but me.

We live in some hard times mates.. Times when stupidity prevailed against humanity.

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